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Friday, July 9, 2010

Controlling Garden Pests the Natural Way

How can you keep your garden pest free and your lawn beautiful without wreaking havoc on the planet and your health, while saving money? Try Nancy Sleeth’s suggestion on the following natural alternatives for controlling unwanted insects and fungi in the garden, which are easy to make. Some can also be used for house cleaning and insect control.

1. Basic insect spray – Repels insects; kills fungi and mites.
Mix two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid soap into one gallon of water. To target fungi, add one to two tablespoons of baking soda. Add sulfur to kill mites.

2. Peppermint tea – All-purpose insect spray; ant repellent.
Brew peppermint leaf tea. Cool and place in a properly labeled spray bottle.

3. Garlic spray – Repels insects.
Mix two teaspoons of garlic juice, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and one teaspoon of liquid soap in one quart of water.

4. Banana peel repellent – Repels aphids.
Place banana peels around roses and other plants.

5. Lemon spray - Repels white flies and soft-bodied insects.
Also get rid of fleas. Boil three lemon peels in one quart of water. Let cool, remove peels, and put solutions in a properly labeled spray bottles.

6. Lemongrass wasp repellent - Repels wasps and the like.
Place lemongrass in a vase on your picnic table to keep wasps away.

7. Vinegar spray – Combats fungal disease and black spots on roses.
Combine three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one gallon of water.

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